1. Use "net
use" to manually release the old connection
- From a command prompt, run "net use".
- Delete any existing connections to the backup location.
("net use \\pathto\backups /delete").
- re-run net use and verify the connection is gone.
The next attempt by the agent may then be successful. This method does not always succeed.
2. Restart the
"Workstation" service on the agent machine
The "Workstation" service manages shared resource
connections. Restarting the service will
force a release of the network connection.
Because of this, however, there are multiple dependent services, the
more notable of which include Exchange services. Many partners prefer to wait for non-business
hours to schedule a restart of this service on a production server.
3. Restart the Server
As a last resort, a restart of the agent server will
decisively release the network location.
Remove Shared Access Credentials.
Use CMD :
net use * /delete /yes
rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr